Step #1 Be our guest.

The best way to determine if our club is the right fit for you is to attend one of our meetings. We generally meet on the same day and time each week, but it’s always best to check our calendar before you show up to ensure we don’t have a special time or meeting place or no meeting that week.

Step #2 Find a sponsor and apply for membership.

Once you’ve made the decision that the club is right for you, find a club member to sponsor you and submit an application for membership. You can do it right there at the meeting or fill out our online membership application.

Step #3 Gain approval.

Your nomination will be presented to the Board. Then you will be presented to the membership three times for final approval.

Step #4 Pay your dues.

After you’ve been approved by the Board and the membership at large, you’ll receive an invoice for your dues payment. Dues are as follows:

Regular Membership—$200/quarter includes all dues and lunches for the quarter

Corporate Membership—$300/quarter includes membership for an unlimited number of people in one organization and 13 lunches per quarter.  Lunches at in excess of 13 in a quarter will be billed at $12/lunch. 

Step #5 Get involved.

Make the most of your Rotary membership by attending club meetings and social events, volunteering for service projects and participating in district and Rotary International events.